01609 881398


We believe homework consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding in English, mathematics and other curriculum areas. It helps raise the level of achievement of individual pupils and provides opportunities for parents and their children to work together. We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that this policy will be successful if there is a strong partnership between home and school which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement. We recognise the importance of leisure time so we aim to provide an appropriate balance of work and play. A breakdown of how homework is structured in our school is provided below. This has been designed to encourage a gradual progression of skills and expectations. By the time children reach Year 6 they should have established a clear routine in preparation for secondary school.


·      Pupils are asked to bring in items of interest during the year to enhance focused activities (‘Show and Tell’)

·      Home-School Learning Journal – ongoing

Daily tasks:

·      Reading with a parent/carer (comments to be written in reading records)

·      Phonics/Key Words


Year 1/2

Homework set by the teacher every week:

·      English/Mathematics worksheet/task – 30 minutes suggested

Daily tasks:

·      Reading to a parent/carer (comments to be written in reading records)

·      Key words/spellings/Times Tables


Year 3/4

Homework set by the teacher every week:

·      English/Mathematics worksheet/task – 45 minutes suggested

Additional homework set by the teacher throughout the year:

·      Science/Topic – independent tasks or research/projects

Daily tasks:

·      Independent reading or reading to a parent/carer (comments to be written in reading records)

·      Spellings/Times Tables


Year 5/6

Homework set by the teacher every week:

·      English/Mathematics worksheet/task – 1 hour suggested  

Additional homework set by the teacher throughout the year: 

·      Science/Topic – independent tasks or research/projects

Daily tasks:

·      Independent reading or reading to a parent/carer (comments to be written in reading records)

·      Spellings/Times Tables

 Year 6 pupils will receive additional homework during the Spring and Summer Terms in preparation for their SATs, the content and quantity of which will be determined by the class teacher.