Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome back to school. We hope you all enjoyed a well-earned rest and quality time with your families over the Christmas holidays. It is lovely to be back and see the children ready for a new term of exciting learning!
In English, the children will continue to develop their ideas with many independent writing opportunities. As our topic is toys this term, the writing will link to this, using a range of different writing techniques and formats. There is still a focus on handwriting formations, and the use of grammar and punctuation in sentences. They will continue to have daily opportunities to listen to and share a range of class stories, non-fiction texts and poems enabling comprehension skills to develop. Reading will still be developed through daily phonics activities, learning common and tricky words and spellings. Don’t forget to write in their reading planners!
In Mathematics, children will be continuing to learn how to develop their own ideas and solve problems through the areas of investigating numbers, finding patterns, solving calculation problems and exploring relationships between multiplication and division. For Year 1 this will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, while Year 2 will learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. After half term, both year groups will be exploring the properties of shape and the use of position and direction.
In Science, the children will be exploring everyday materials. Year 1 will be identifying and naming a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock. While Year 2 will be identifying and comparing the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses.
Geographical skills will be developed through using fieldwork and observational skills and looking at key human and physical features of the environment. This term our focus will be on key physical features, such as forests, cliffs, seas, beaches and oceans. Historical skills will link to ‘events beyond living memory’ where we will look at the significance of James Cook.
Through Design and Technology, the children will be designing, making and evaluating their own mechanical story book. In Computing, children will use Purple Mash to develop their digital literacy, through effective searching, and algorithms and programming, using the skill of coding. Through music, the children will be playing tuned and untuned instruments musically. They will also be exposed to a range of high-quality live and recorded music.
In PSHE and C, through SEAL themes and ‘My Happy Mind’, we will be finding out about ‘Appreciate’ and ‘Relate’ – how we show gratitude and appreciation daily as well as the importance of positive relationships with others, In RE, the children will learn about Islam. They will also discuss what it means to belong to a faith community.
In PE, children will develop their balance, agility and co-ordination within gymnastics.
After half term they will participate in invasion games and multi skills by building up stamina through running, jumping, throwing, catching and teamwork. Year 1 children will continue going to forest school where they will develop a range of skills. During this time, Year 2 will join Year 3/4 for PE with Mr Swankie.
- Book bags come in to school and go home every day.
- PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Wear outdoor PE kits on these days.
- Water bottles come in to school and go home every day.
- Homework and spellings are handed out on Friday, and due the following Friday.
We look forward to a busy and exciting term.
Miss O’Neill and Mrs Guyll