At Appleton Wiske Community Primary School, the foreign language taught in school is French.
We aim to provide a high quality languages education which fosters pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. Through effective teaching and learning, our pupils will express their ideas and thoughts in another language and be able to understand and respond to others in speech and in writing. Pupils will also be provided with opportunities to communicate for practical purposes. At our school, pupils will:
- Develop their speaking and listening skills so that they can understand and respond to others
- Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, continually improving their pronunciation
- Learn useful vocabulary that will be applied in real life situations
- Read and write in another language for different purposes
- Be aware that language structure and grammar can differ from one language to another
- Develop an enthusiasm for language that will lay the foundations for future study beyond primary education
- Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in a foreign language
- Develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries
In Key Stage 2, all pupils receive weekly French lessons from a member of staff who is a languages specialist; this ensures consistency of approach and delivery throughout the Key Stage. Pupils are taught a range of skills such as listening and responding; learning through songs and rhymes; engaging in conversations; developing vocabulary and grammar. We use the North Yorkshire scheme of work for French to deliver the National Curriculum for Languages. The scheme of work is fun and creative and engages children with themes such as food, animals, sport, weather, family, celebrations and holidays. The units are mapped out on the school’s long term plan so that learning is clearly sequenced. Different aspects of the themes are repeated each year, with vocabulary, questions and conversations increasing in complexity as children progress through Key Stage 2. Pupils begin by responding to spoken French and move on to reading and writing in French. Pupils also learn about some of the cultural similarities and differences between the United Kingdom and France. Throughout the year, pupils revisit and review basic French vocabulary and phrases. In Key Stage 1, children experience French in a more informal style through songs and everyday activities, focusing on numbers, colours and greetings.
Ongoing teacher assessment identifies strengths and areas for development. Achievement is assessed in accordance with expectations in the National curriculum from Year 3 to Year 6 using the school’s Languages progression grid. Pupil progress is tracked on the school’s electronic tracking system. Monitoring of the subject is carried out by the Languages Leader and the Head Teacher.
Our pupils receive a good quality Languages curriculum. Progression of skills is clearly sequenced and cumulative, ensuring pupils build on prior learning. Pupils enjoy French and develop their speaking and listening skills, and every pupil applies their oral learning to written tasks. Languages, specifically French, is a strength of the school in Key Stage 2.