Physical Education, incorporating the essential elements of dance, gymnastics, games, athletics, swimming and outdoor/adventurous activities, is fundamental to a happy and healthy lifestyle. We aim to deliver a fully inclusive, varied and challenging programme of activities that children can enjoy and engage in during and beyond their school life. Huge health benefits can be gained by pupils as a result of high quality PE as they make healthy choices and lead active lives. At our school:
- Pupils will be happy, motivated, healthy and active members of the community
- Pupils will develop positive attitudes towards physical activity
- Pupils will understand the body’s response to vigorous activity and how this can alter over time as a result of effort or practice
- Pupils will recognise the long-term health benefits of an active lifestyle
- We will provide a range of sporting opportunities during which pupils may discover a talent or desire to pursue during and beyond their school days
- We will provide opportunities for pupils to be successful, leading to increased confidence and self-esteem.
- Lessons will be challenging and develop skill levels including accuracy, speed, strength, agility, stamina and creativity
- Pupils will reflect, assess and evaluate their own performances as well as that of others in a supportive and positive way
- We will provide opportunities to take part in competitive events
Physical Education at our school is covered through a range of learning experiences, which include:
- PE and sport within the curriculum
- Opportunities throughout the school day, including break times and lunchtimes
- Physical activity during school clubs
- Engagement in sporting competitions
- Physical activity sessions led by specialist coaches
Our pupils receive a minimum of two hours high quality PE every week, delivered by teaching staff and a sports specialist. In EYFS, physical activity is taught via real experiences both indoors and outdoors. Pupils are given opportunities for throwing, catching, aiming, balancing, climbing and travelling through and on objects. Planned activities are supported by adult/child interactions. Pupils also take part in forest school activities. In KS1 and KS2, the school’s long term plan maps out curriculum coverage of athletics, dance, gymnastics, invasion games, multi-skills, net/wall, stamina and striking/fielding activities. Swimming sessions are provided in KS2 with the expectation that all pupils can swim a minimum of 25 metres. Year 5/6 pupils are given the opportunity to take part in a 3-day residential at outdoor activity centres. There is a wide range of equipment stored in the PE shed, and pupils are encouraged to help set up and put away equipment as part of the learning experience. By so doing, the pupils learn to handle equipment safely. Pupils receive supervised playtimes each day, during which they are given opportunities to socialise with their friends, peers, siblings and children of different ages. They are provided with a range of play equipment which promotes physical activity and co-operation. Pupils have access to a playground with markings and a large playing field which can be used in dry weather. The trim trail, pagoda and wildlife area are also available to enhance physical activity. During lunchtime sessions, the pupils are invited to take part in playground activities which are organised and led by the Year 5/6 play leaders. Every pupil takes part in 10 minutes of morning exercise during ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ or the ‘Appleton Mile’. After-school sports club is available for every pupil and includes a wide range of activities such as football, tennis, multi-sports, tag rugby and hockey. The school participates in competitive matches and tournaments organised within the small school cluster of village schools.
Ongoing teacher assessment identifies strengths and areas for development. Achievement is assessed in accordance with guidance for development in the Early Years Foundation Stage and expectations in the National curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 using the school’s Physical Education progression grids. Pupil progress is tracked on the school’s electronic tracking system. Monitoring of the subject is carried out by the PE Leader and the Head Teacher.
Health and Safety:
The school’s Health and Safety policy outlines the safe codes of practice for our school and provides the necessary guidelines on the response and reporting of accidents. Risk Assessments are in place for specific activities which are carefully planned to ensure safety for all. In the event of an accident, details are recorded in the school accident book as soon as possible. Any medication required for individuals, such as an inhaler or epipen, is to be readily available.
- Pupils are expected to wear a coloured house team T-shirt and dark shorts
- Trainers or plimsolls are worn during outdoor and indoor games activities
- Dance and gymnastics are carried out in bare feet
- Long hair must be tied back
- Ear-rings and jewellery must be removed or taped
Physical Education has a positive impact across the whole school. Our pupils look forward to PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs are well attended. We are very proud of our sporting achievements, which stem from good quality PE provision. We are an active member of the Northallerton School Sports Partnership and take part in a wide range of sporting events. As a result of our sporting provision, we have achieved the School Games Gold Award. The government provides additional funding to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools; see the Sport Premium Report for further information about how we use additional funding to enhance sporting opportunities for our pupils.