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Class 1 Newsletter – Autumn Term 2024

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to share a huge, warm welcome to all the new EYFS children starting school this year as they join our Appleton Wiske School family. They have settled well into class 1 with their friends and are a credit to you all. We are so proud of them are really looking forward to sharing fun and exciting new topics and activities which we have planned for the Autumn Term.

EYFS children will be learning through the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum in the following areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-regulation, managing self and building relationships), Communication and language (Speaking, listening and attention), Literacy (Comprehension, word reading and writing), Physical development (Gross and fine motor skills), Mathematics (Number and numerical patterns), Understanding the World (Past, present, people, culture, communities and the natural world) and Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with materials, being imaginative and expressive).

During this term in the learning areas (both indoor and outside), we will begin by focussing on the themes of starting school, all about me, my family, my friends, pets and my home. The children’s own experiences and interests will then feed into new themes for the learning areas.

Communication, Language and Literacy opportunities will enable children to listen to and follow instructions to complete different tasks and follow routines. They will have daily opportunities to listen to and share a range of class stories, non-fiction texts and poems enabling comprehension skills to develop. Through sharing different texts, we will focus on links with other areas of the EYFS curriculum. Speaking and listening skills will be developed through interactions with adults and peers through role play, discovery boxes, new vocabulary and group question times. Reading will be developed through daily phonics activities following ‘EYFS Phonics Shed’, learning phonemes, graphemes, common and tricky words and spellings. Writing and gross and fine motor skills will be developed through using a range of tools and mark making equipment both in the indoor and outdoor learning environments.

In Mathematics, children will be taught through ‘EYFS White Rose’ and ‘Mastering Number’. They will learn through stories and rhymes as well as role play and ‘real life’ problem solving activities to develop number and numerical patterns. During this term they will focus on representation, comparison and composition to in depth mastery level of numbers to 5. They make links with the world around them through patterns, shapes and measures (mass and capacity). 

We will be developing our ‘Happy Minds’ through learning about our brains and how we can look after our minds to be our very best. They will meet the ‘Happy Minds’ team through songs, rhymes, role play and puppets, developing new vocabulary and knowledge to support their learning. They will celebrate character strengths and be able to recognise these in real life situations.

Through Expressive Arts and Design they will have opportunities to develop their own art ideas, through drawing, printing, painting, collage, sculpting and transient art – using various materials, colour, line, pattern, texture, shape, form and space. They will explore and compare different artists’ work with their own. Through music, they will be focussing on developing skills through themes including ‘I’ve got a grumpy face’, ‘The sorcerer’s apprentice’, ‘Witch, witch’ and ‘Row, row, row your boat’ as well as learning Harvest and Nativity songs for our production. They will be using voices expressively and creatively singing songs, chants and rhymes and will listen to a range of music to develop their concentration and understanding.

Understanding the world activities include children making sense of their physical world and their community. Vocabulary development linked to this term’s learning area themes will extend their knowledge and understanding as well as engaging with visitors in school. Forest School will form a key part of learning about the natural world around us through the different seasons, focussing on Autumn to Winter. Children will be exploring their own senses in various ways, observing, identifying, describing, naming and comparing different objects. They will find out what keeps us healthy and safe including looking after our teeth, keeping clean, exercising, sleeping, eating and drinking. Children will learn about staying safe when using computers and iPads. Activities in RE will include experiences and learning about ‘Where do we belong?’ and ‘Which stories and times are special and why?’ to develop understanding of people, cultures and communities. Children will be able to reflect through sharing feelings, emotions, stories, gifts, food and role play activities.

Through Physical Development, children will practise and develop fine motor skills using various mark making equipment and tools and a variety of ‘Finger Gym’ activities. Gross motor skills are developed during PE sessions and during activities in the outdoor areas and at Forest School where we will investigate the environment around us. We will explore body awareness and multi skills, building up stamina, running, jumping, throwing, catching and team work. Through dance, we will perform different movement patterns and sequences.


  • Book bags come in to school and go home every day.
  • Water bottles come in to school and go home every day.
  • PE is on a Friday (wear outdoor PE kits).
  • Forest School is on a Tuesday and will start on the 24th September for EYFS and Year 1 children. Come to school wearing Forest School clothes to suit the weather and trainers. Bring wellie boots in a separate bag to change into. (When Forest School is not on, we will be exploring the outdoor area in the school grounds so the same clothing applies)

We look forward to getting to know your children and an exciting and busy new term!

Mrs Hainsworth and Mrs Jackson