Our school has a very active Friends of the School group which organises regular fundraising and social events for pupils and parents. Everyone is welcome to join the group which meets regularly to plan events. Committee roles are agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Funds raised by the Friends of the School help to provide additional opportunities and resources for the pupils.
Friends of the School FAQs
- Do I have to attend every meeting?
Not at all! Our meetings take place every few months and if you are unable to always attend simply let us know. While the meetings are helpful to know what is upcoming you are not obliged to attend every one and dates or important information will be sent out in the minutes after each meeting. The school newsletter will contain parent information and the Friends of the School communication is via email.
- Do I have to commit to anything?
How involved you are is up to you. There are three voluntary posts within the group, the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These posts are currently filled but it is put to the group as voluntary to take one over as and when that might be expected. Anyone else who comes along is there as they wish to support and help the school and can be as involved as much as they like.
- Do I have to have a child currently in the school?
No, the Friends consist of current parents, grandparents, teachers and parents whose children have now left who all simply wish to support the school.
- Will I be asked to do anything?
At each meeting upcoming events are discussed. Any actions that need to take place such as collecting prizes etc. will then be discussed and anyone who feels they can do this will usually volunteer. Likewise if helpers are required we will simply establish who is available for then. Nobody is asked directly.
- Can I attend meetings without helping at events?
Yes, ideas for fundraisers and support outside of the events are just as important!
- Will I miss out on my child’s performance etc. if I am helping out?
Events where the children are involved in events, such as Sports Day or the May Fayre, we try to make sure no one misses out. Tasks such as serving are stopped during some events or swapped between parents so you can watch your child. If you need to go to them just tell us, we are all in the same boat and no one will mind!
- Can I help at events if I am unable to attend meetings?
We regularly have parents helping out who are not formally part of the Friends, any help is always gratefully received.
- I would like to attend but I have nobody to look after my children.
We have recently started to hold meetings within school during club hours. Meeting times and dates will be in the newsletter and will state whether you can put your child in club during the meeting.